Issue 14: Play & Creativity

Issue 14: Play & Creativity


This has been a fun issue to put together – I’ve really got to indulge my creative side and think seriously about playtime. I hope it gives you the same buzz!

Alex Mees’ gives his thoughts on our fears around football and boys, and Emma Worrollo of the Playful Den explains how we can get our kids and ourselves thinking more creatively. Jamey Fisher Perkins’ discussion of weapon play and whether it’s natural for boys is so thought-provoking, and we look at play schemas or personalities, how gendered clothes impact activity and ask are we really giving our kids equal play? And of course, it’s got the annual Gift Guide.

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Issue 13: Small Changes, Big Change

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UK Quarterly Subscription

£11.00 every 3 months
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Issue 25: Growing Up


Issue 15: Nature

Issue 18: Role Models & Role Play 1.jpg

Issue 18: Role Models & Role Play
