Gifts for babies and new parents

Babies obviously won’t notice the joys of the festive season, but it is nice to mark a new arrival with a gift for parents or child - maybe one that will be used and loved for years to come.

Hello Tiny Human card

At last! A card for an adorable baby that doesn’t make your eyes hurt.


Gen Neu

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Picture Alphabet

This heirloom print is a lifetime investment, for a child to grow up surrounded by beauty. Full of charming details, it looks as perfect in a nursery as it does in the kitchen.


Sessions & Co.


A classic favourite that's full of nostalgic drawings and a big hole so you can play every baby's favourite game, PEEPO.


Penguin Books

Mustard bonnet

Babies in winter need hats. This one will actually stay on and keep little ears cosy too,


What Mother Made

Help deliver a baby

The birth of a baby is a great time to donate to a charity on their behalf. How about a donation to Unicef to help safely deliver a baby.



The Lost Words

This book is as much for parents as it is for children. Full of spell-poems to bring back our connection to the British landscape, with perfect illustrations.



Blossom and Bear sensory play bag

Cleverly thought out, this lovely set will last for years, from chewing to making up stories.


Style the Nursery

Legend of the Seas blanket

Inspired by British wildlife, this gorgeous under-the-sea blanket is so special, a rare find that will be passed down through the generations.


Word to the Mother