Gifts for... Feeling (Good)
That period between Christmas and New Year is perfect for relaxing, reflecting and recharging. Here are some mindful gifts for all ages (and also good for all year round).
I'm feeling a bit WILD – Exploring emotions through drawing for younger children // Don’t we all sometimes feel a bit wild? Help your child explore and acknowledge some of those big feelings. // £7.75 Ink and Scribbles
Organic Sleepeeze Drops // At some time or another everyone will offer you a remedy for better sleep for you, or your child. It’s hard to say if they work, but this is one we like. // £8.50 Myreen Young
Gratitude Cards // Sometimes we focus on what isn’t reaching our ideas of perfection. These cards will remind you of the things we can be grateful for. // £12 School of Life
Weaving loom // A mindful activity can put you in that flow state and calm you. And you can make something beautiful while you’re at it. // £29.99 Wool Couture
Self-heating eye masks // These magic Spacemasks will gently heat up and relax you till you drift into ‘Interstellar’ relaxation. And £1 will be donated to The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity for every box of the rose-scented masks sold. // £15 Spacemasks
Worry Dolls // If your child suffers with sleep time worries, these little dolls can provide a ritual to put those anxieties to bed, literally. And they do good for children across the world too. // £17.95 Unicef UK